<privacy policy>

Privacy Policy eightbit experts GmbH
Version: January 2024

Contact details of the person responsible

eightbit experts GmbH
Borselstraße 26
22765 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 429257-00

eightbit talent GmbH
Konsul-Smidt-Str. 8f
28217 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 835049-0

Contact details of the external data protection officer

Stephan Frank
SFC | Stephan Frank Consulting
Telefon: +49 (911) 1488 5292
Telefax: +49 (911) 1488 5293

Contact details of the internal data protection coordinator

Stefanie Strohmeier
eightbit experts GmbH
Borselstr. 26
22765 Hamburg

Phone: +49 151 22813939


We process personal data on our website in accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German data protection regulations.

1. Log data when accessing our websites

For technical reasons, your internet browser or mobile device automatically transmits the following data to our web server when you access our website:

Processed data:
– IP address of your device
– Date and time of access
– Address of the requesting website
– HTTP response code
– Name of the retrieved file
– Amount of data sent
– Browser type and version
– Operating system of the device


Purpose of processing:
We use this data to enable the use of our websites and their technical administration, to ensure the security of our information technology systems, to prevent the misuse of our websites and to optimise our websites.

Legal basis:
Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR

Storage period:
The data will be deleted after 8 weeks.

2. Cookies

We use the following essential cookie on our website:

Name: Polylang pll_language

Purpose of processing:
We use the Polylang plugin to offer our website in multiple languages. The cookie only saves your language selection. Your data is not transferred to the plugin manufacturer.

Legal basis:
Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR in conjunction with § 25 (2) TTDSG. We do not require consent for this cookie.

Provider: WP Syntex
Privacy Policy:

Storage period:
The storage period is 6 months.

3. Contact by e-mail

If you send us information via the e-mail address, we process this data as follows:

Processed data:
– Your e-mail address
– The information you send us in the e-mail subject and e-mail text

Purpose of processing:
Processing your request, which you communicate to us in the e-mail, and contacting you.

Legal basis:
Article 6 (1) f) GDPR; our legitimate interest lies in processing your request or contacting you.

Storage period:
The data will be stored until your request has been fully processed.

Disclosure of the data:
The data will not be passed on to third parties unless you have consented to it being passed on.


4. Hosting of the website

Our web server is hosted by neusta infrastructure services GmbH.

5. Processing of personal data of contractors

If you work for us as a freelancer or apply to do so, we process your personal data for the following purposes:

a) For placement with our customers

Processed data:
– Your master data, in particular name and, if applicable, function in the company; your contact
details, in particular current business address, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses
– Your application documents, in particular CV or qualification profile
– Data for the processing of placements

Purpose of processing:
Business-related communication with the aim of arranging freelance services, projects or activities in temporary employment between you and our customers.

Legal basis:
Article 6 (1) f) GDPR; our legitimate interest lies in the provision of services between you and our customers.

Storage period:
We retain this data in your and our interest even after the end of projects for further mediation activities. Please let us know if you are no longer interested in a further placement by us. We will then either delete your data or restrict the processing so that further placement is no longer possible.

Forwarding of data:
We only pass this data on to our customers insofar as this is necessary for the placement.

b) For contract processing between you, us and our customers

Processed data:
– Contract data (e.g. service periods, place of work)
– Data for billing your services (e.g. time recording, bank details)

Purpose of processing:
Processing of all aspects relevant to the contract

Legal basis:
Article 6 (1) b) GDPR for the fulfilment of a contract

Storage period:
We only process this personal data for as long as we need it to fulfil contractual or legal obligations. We delete this data after expiry of the statutory retention periods.

Processing of the data:
We use the cloud-based recruiting system Vincere from Access UK Ltd, Colchester, to process the data. Information on data protection at vincere can be found here. The data is hosted by AWS (Amazon Web Services) in Frankfurt. You can find information on data protection at AWS here and on the security of your data at AWS here.

Forwarding of data:
We only pass this data on to third parties if this is necessary for the processing of your assignment with our customers or if we are authorised or obliged to pass on data due to legal provisions and/or official or court orders.

With regard to your rights as a data subject, please refer to point 6 of this privacy policy.

c) Incentives

Processed data:
– First name
– Last name
– Postal address

Purpose of processing:
This data is used to utilise the services of external partners (e.g. “Aktion Mensch Gewinnlotterie”) as part of incentives.

Legal basis:
Article 6 (1) f) GDPR; our legitimate interest lies in incentivising and recognising the existing business relationship.

Storage period:
The data will only be stored for the duration of the respective campaign and deleted after expiry of the relevant statutory retention periods.


Forwarding of the data:
The data specified above will be passed on to external partners for the performance of the service. The partners process the data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. The data is stored and processed on secure systems. Data processing may be carried out by contractors in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. The data will not be used for advertising purposes, but exclusively for the agreed purpose. The partner undertakes not to transfer or disclose the personal data to third parties.

With regard to your rights as a data subject, please refer to point 6 of this privacy policy.

6. Your rights

In accordance with the GDPR, you have the following rights with regard to the processing of your data.

Right to information:
You can request information from us at any time about which data we process about you
(Art. 15 GDPR).

Right to rectification:
You can request that incorrect data about you be corrected (Art. 16 GDPR).

Right to erasure:
You have the right to have your data that is being processed without authorisation erased
(Art. 17 GDPR).

Right to restriction:
If data cannot be erased, you can request that processing be restricted (Art. 18 GDPR).

Right to object:
Under certain conditions, you can object to the processing of your data (Art. 21 GDPR).

Right to withdraw your consent:
If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke this consent at any time for the future (Art. 7 GDPR).

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority:
You can lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you believe that your data is not being processed by us in accordance with data protection regulations (Art. 77 GDPR). The supervisory authority in Hamburg is the Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Ludwig-Erhard-Str 22, 20459 Hamburg; telephone +49 40 428 54–4040, e-mail:

To exercise your rights, please contact eightbit experts GmbH or our data protection officer (contact details at the top of this page).

7. Updating

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy from time to time. If you have any questions or comments about the above privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us (contact details at the top of this page).