our <values> do not end with us. making them meaningful for you too.

At eightbit experts, values are at the heart of how we think and work. We live these not only internally, but also externally.

We rely on a culture of trust and promote cooperation. Because the best employees do not act on instructions, but on their own responsibility.

And if a situation seems difficult, we have our Code of Conduct. Here we can find everything that defines us. It’s not just about acting in a legally correct manner, but above all about how we want to behave ethically and socially.

We are happy to give you an insight into our Code of Conduct here.


Aspiration determines and ensures the consistently high quality of our work. We always keep our values in mind in order to be a reliable, appreciative and respectful partner for our clients, partners and employee’s day after day.


For us, integrity means keeping our word, because only a promise that is kept can create the trust that forms the foundation of cooperation. That is why we live up to our promises and are aware of the responsibility of our actions. Furthermore, we try to ensure both short term and long-term satisfaction in order to be a cooperative partner at every moment.


Respect and consideration are the basis of successful cooperation. Therefore, we treat each other and our partners with the greatest appreciation. This also means that we always see diversification as an asset and as a welcomed opportunity to test our views and opinions and benefit from new insights.

lived <meaningfulness>

Everything we do not only has to be state of the art, it also has to be meaningful, both for us and for everyone who works with us. Our emphasis on our values pays off in every respect: in terms of content for the project, economically for all and personally for each individual – with a feeling of satisfaction upon completion of the project and pride in the work done.

from the <industry>, for the industry.

We have been thinking digitally for 15 years and live a modern corporate culture of respect and cohesion.

We are and remain, also in daily business, curious and constantly open to new impulses, trends and skills.

That is why, we are daily inspired to train our minds and our team spirit, enabling us to respectfully collaborate with our clients and colleagues.

These are our experts.

Nora Kerll
Sabrina Weitmann
Denise Gassner
Oliver Lützenkirchen
Anna Albertz
André Freiberg
Saskia Gluhak
Yannick Rohlfing
Kristina Maksimowa
Britta Riethausen
Birka Basel
Philipp Thomé
Kristina Uvarov
Tim Könenberg
Marko Holstein
Anke Hellwig
Christian Paternoga
Thomas Kogge
Stephanie Brosowski
Julia Böttjer
Vanessa Duden
Mirco Kühle
Johanna Holthuis
Susanne Kranz
Gudrun Müller
Marco Köster
Pascal Rade
Stina Gielen
Mirela Miljkovic
Stefanie Strohmeier
Jochen Blanken
Sebastian Hucke
Janica Ewert
Daniel Keifert
Jeanette Rückert
Claudia Hintzer
Susanne Beck
Maren Chrissostomidis
Marvin Wiegert
Jens Schiffgens
Wolfram Schneider
Janek Strauß
Cathrin Stützle
Marlene Schütz
Julia von Leesen
Tim Grossmann
Andrea Reinhold
Merlin Winderling
Mike Jakobowsky
Melanie Lehrke
Linda Goßling
Janko Bergner

charter of diversity

charter of diversity

pride champion
2023 - 2024


eightbit experts GmbH
eightbit talent GmbH

Konsul-Smidt-Str. 8f
28217 Bremen

+49 421 835049-0

Frankfurt am Main

eightbit experts GmbH

c/o Exupéry 10 Business Center
De-Saint-Exupéry-Straße 10
60549 Frankfurt am Main

Hamburg (Headquarter)

eightbit experts GmbH

Borselstraße 26
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 429257-00


eightbit experts GmbH

c/o WeWork Wallarkaden
Pilgrimstraße 6
50674 Köln

come by!
you can find us at many places.
are you looking for a job where you can fulfil yourself?
part-time or full-time, in the office and remotely?
then become part of our team and contact julia.

contact Linda